Wednesday 1 December 2010

The Return of Alix

Our first assignment was to animation a character trying to opening an object that refused to open.  I have noticed that assignments are a lot more open this year, with not as much detail on how the overall actions start and end, although this gives us more freedom to experiment with different emotions/situations/movements it also has the damage of overworking one piece so careful time management is again essential.  
Firstly that week I was trying to redesign my last year’s character Alix.  I first tried to eliminate the difficult and annoying parts of her design that were difficult to animate.  Her hair was the first thing that sprung to mind, so I have given her still a short hair style but with more of a bouncy bob.  Her overall dressing style I changed too, from a punk short top and skinny jeans to a long top with a poofy bottom, a much girlier take on my character which will be a interesting juxtaposition to her personality, which I will try to maintain from last year( a hot headed blonde).  Influence wise I looked at my cousin from England who has a much more middle class background from me so her fashion sense and hair is (I think) really interesting.  My cousin also is working her way to become a musician which is the same as my character.  So fashion sense wise I took influence off my cousin and personality wise I’ve taken off the artist/performer P!nk, I just like the way she presents herself in her music videos as well as seeing her live this summer I do want to maintain her no-bullshit attitude in my character.
Here are some reference pictures for my character, my cousin's hair and soft face with P!nk's sense of attitude:

Here are some sketches of Alix’s new design:

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