Thursday 2 December 2010

2D Reference

During the week I referenced and animated my open an object piece.  I recorded it just outside my house by the riverfront which was perfect with a big open space.   I usually always reference for my character animation as I feel it gives me much better results as the movement is much more fluent and the overall anatomy is more correct even if my body type isn’t exactly the same as my character.  Live reference is usually used in the industry also, such as big film companies almost defiantly use it as well as some smaller advertising companies.  As I am more interested in the character performance part of the industry it is important I analyze and observe as much from real life as possible to apply to my art as well as making sure the timing is right. 
Here are some screens of my reference video:

I then storyboarded my sequence, although in the industry it is done the other way I sometimes have a rough idea on what my character is doing and therefore just act it out first then chose which one I like the best as I usually film more than one sequence.  I would like to maybe consider being a story artist as a career, as I am not brilliant at perfect clean drawings and I don’t really enjoy colouring as much as just drawing or doodling.  So with storyboards they are usually quite rough and quick sketches that only really need to communicate the emotions of the characters and story as well as what camera angles and movements would be going on in film.
For the remaining of the week I was animating the sequence in my room at Newport, I would rather animate in the studio but it is much more difficult living a bus ride away, and especially with late night access now no longer allowed it just makes everything I bit more complicated.  Although I cannot line test as much now, I expect to make full use of the studio when my course moves to the new campus just as I did last year.

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