Tuesday 1 February 2011

Miss a Bus Final

Once I tested my animation, it was clean up time.  I scanned every frame and cleaned up some loose lines and faint guide lines and cycles as well as scaling down some of the last frames which I think are still a bit too big, but it is an improvment.  One of te problems with the first animation was I couldn't control the frames of ones and two's, and that's why I didn't scan my dialogue.  Bus after going to see Zara, she showed me an other way to import my frames and still control the timing.  With this new knowlege I imported my clean frames to photoshop and applied a background.  I didn't do alpha channels for this one, instead I applied a background to every frame and just whitened the back of the man frames.  Overall this probly toke just as long and at the end you have less control of when your character is, once editted that's it.  So I will probably stick to alpha channeling my frames from now on.

The only thing I had left to do was the bus, I decided to  hand draw the bus and apply movement with after effects.  I applied what I leanrt in Stan's lecture with the puppet tool, with giving the bus a wiggle effect, like the start of an engine, made the entire vehicle, then  parented a wheel to the bus and applied a rotate function to it.  Overall it worked quite well, though I did draw the bus in a ver flat persective so probably should ahve shown some of the roof.  Also I wasn't sure what the best way to combine the footage of the man running and the bus leaving? I tried atleast three different ways.  Tried the adobe dymamic link, wasn't sure how it worked, tried importing my after effect onto premiere and it came out blank? and finally just exported the man running on premeiere then imported that to after effects and exported it there, though because of this I think I've lost quality and also there is 20 seconds of just black, which when I tried to fix in Premire it was even worse quality, so I'm obviously getting my exporting info wrong.

Minus the bad quality and growing I am pleased with this piece, I think he could have thrown the suit case a bit better but it does convay the emotion that the character is feeling and this is my first go at persective applied with a background.  I did want to apply a suit texture to his clothes but ran out of time.

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